Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Fourth Fisherman by Joe Kissack

I didn't know much about the story of the three fisherman who survived 9 months on the open ocean. What an amazing story of survival that is. Mr. Kissack weaves his story in along with the story of the fisherman and while I was wondering how they were intertwined it did become obvious in the last half. It's amazing how two stories can be so different yet have obvious parallels. While the fisherman were desperately clinging to their faith to survive, Mr. Kissack was trying to figure out how to survive his "successful" life without faith. It wasn't until complete brokenness he called out to God and was rescued. As he began pursuing the story of the fisherman it took a whole lot of faith in God to continue, especially when it didn't make sense to others. I was inspired by this story but I would love to hear more about the fisherman's side. This book felt more like an intro to the bigger story that's coming soon.

I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for my review.

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