Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where Lilacs Still Bloom by Jane Kirkpatrick

This is a sweet story based on the life of Hulda Klager. She was a "simple" farm wife who had a passion for flowers. She understood them and realized she could create new breeds by cross pollinating them. I enjoyed learning about her legacy and the various types of people she influenced over the years. She had many tragedies but her flowers gave her and so many others beauty and hope. Two things stood out to me in her life. One was the relationship she had with her husband. It was precious and inspiring the love and companionship they had. It was rare for a man to support his wife the way he did back in that time period. The second was how many people received her lilac blooms over the years and how they sent them back to help establish her garden again.
There were parts that were quite slow in the book but overall I enjoyed learning about her life.

I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for my review.

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