Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

The River by Michael Neale

The River is a very touching story about a boy who lost his father to a drowning accident while he was trying to rescue a kayaker. The story chronicles his life and how this event affected his life. The River is the central theme as he begins his early life loving The River as it was his father's love as well as job guiding tours down The River. Once his father dies, the boy becomes fearful of The River but is drawn to it as well. I really appreciate the symbolism in this story and the way the boy became a man and has to face The River again. This is a beautiful story of forgiveness and breaking free from fear to be the person he was made to be. Well done, Mr. Neale on your debut novel!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Breaking Free From Fear by Kay Arthur

I love Kay Arthur and her studies and this one did not disappoint. I thoroughly enjoy how she takes you through scripture so you can clearly see from many examples what it means to Fear the Lord. I also appreciate how she takes you through the opposite of the Fear of Lord which means you are fearing man. This study is meant for group study and discussion with others and since I did it on my own I missed out on the group discussion but it was still very valuable information. It was encouraging for me to do this study and realize that if your worried or afraid you are not fearing the Lord. He is in control and is our refuge and strength.  It's amazing how much scriptural content is in such a small book! I highly recommend this study or any of the 40 minute studies.

I received this book free from blogging for books in exchange for my review.